Clean-up Potential - how our systems will create a cleaner world

What is the clean-up potential of Eden and our highly innovative EEP (Eden Energy Process) technology? Perhaps a better question is, what isn't the clean-up potential of Eden's EEP? At Eden, we see no limits to what our waste-to-energy/carbon conversion technology can achieve.

If you consider that our EEP takes all types of waste simultaneously in a wet and mixed stream, you can start to visualize the endless clean-up potential of the EEP. By accepting any combination of waste, we eliminate the need for sorting, which significantly enhances the clean-up potential. This capability allows clean-up efforts, such as those in disaster areas, to be expedited, adding tremendous value.

The EEP was born out of a desire for a cleaner and greener world where pollution and energy creation are no longer seen as insurmountable problems. At Eden, we want to be at the forefront of innovation and problem solving especially in cases of disasters, where human life is in the most need and where time is of the essence. In cases like natural disasters, Eden’s mobile, transportable, and modular systems can be deployed almost anywhere as a waste and debris transformation vehicle. The debris can now be used as a feedstock for the EES (Eden Energy System) in order to produce fuels that will be turned into electricity. 

I will never forget driving through Rockport Texas on Monday September 4th, 2017. It had been 9 days since hurricane Harvey ripped through that beautiful Texas gulf coast town. I was there as a contractor, lending our services and assisting with getting roofs covered up on structures that actually survived the storm. There was still now power and there was a huge struggle to supply enough generators that would provide power to just the contractors that were there working, much less provide power for anyone in the community. 

The EESs would be able to provide the desperately needed power and energy all the while, streamlining the logistical nightmare and bottleneck of having to truck all of the waste from the site of the disaster. Removing all of the debris is one of the most critical tasks and often the toughest. Having multiple EESs deployed in areas like Rockport after hurricane Harvey would simplify clean-up efforts making it easier for crews to come in and quickly restore the much needed utilities and infrastructure. At Eden, we understand the importance of getting life back to normal as quickly as possible.

So natural disasters are definitely an area for clean-up potential and we are able to display how our systems will create a cleaner world at least for those who are in the most obvious desperate need. But what about those who are in just as desperate of a situation, it’s just not as obvious? What about those who live in and around unsuspecting disaster areas? What about the millions of Americans who live around these hazardous waste sites? These silent and secret disasters are already affecting the health of many people around the country and around the world and most of those affected are disproportionately people of color. 

Thanks to the EEP and our EESs, these conditions don’t have to exist. The clean-up potential for the unsuspecting residence is beyond enormous, its literally life saving. By delivering an EES directly to these hazardous waste sites, we lower the potential for spills during transport and lower carbon emissions by not having trucks move the waste to a disposal facility. 

During our environmentally positive process, some of the components of the waste will turn into a biochar or an organic fertilizer. The biochar can be used as a soil amendment that can help to pull the harmful compounds left by the hazardous waste out of the soil. After the soil is amended, the organic fertilizers can be used to grow plant life and regenerate our ecosystems. Couple all of that with the fact that the EEP can dissociate all of the harmful compounds that are found in these hazardous waste streams, and it really is easy to see the clean-up potential and how Eden’s systems will create a cleaner world. 

Now at Eden we claim that the EEP dissociates the harmful compounds in these hazardous waste streams. So what does that mean, how does it work, and what happens to those harmful compounds, and what does this mean for the clean-up potential? Most of your harmful compounds that are found in hazardous waste are made up of multiple molecules. When combined together these typically safe molecules become harmful compounds. The EEP uses water as a catalyst that breaks these compounds down turning them back into their original form and oxidizes the heavy metals causing them to become non-leachable and safe to return them back into the environment. 

All of the claims made by Eden about our environmentally positive process can be verified by clicking here and reading up on all of the third party validation studies done with Lehigh, MIT, Argonne National Labs, and the DOE. Eden has been leading the revolution on waste-to-energy and we will continue to be pioneers for the in leaving a cleaner world for our families and yours. 

Eden will continue to work with federal, state, and local governments in order to pass legislation that will lead to better clean up efforts during other natural disasters like chemical and oil spills. The EEP is a technology like no other out there. With disasters like the East Palestine train derailment, the Revelation mobile system could have been deployed and the dirt from around the spill site could have been scooped up, loaded into the system, the soil cleaned, and then clean fresh soil put back in place of the contaminated soil. 

Or the oil spill in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana which could have been easily cleaned up with an EES and saved Third Coast Infrastructure LLC. millions of dollars on the wasted oils. The EEP could have literally vacuumed up the oil, water, and all of the other waste surrounding the spill, cleaned the oil, and completely eliminated the disastrous circumstances of the spill. Talk about clean up potential. Eden is not just concerned with making a cleaner world for mankind but also for animal kind.  

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the clean up potential of the EEP is pretty much limitless. From landfills, to hazardous waste. From natural disasters to chemical producers. From ocean clean ups to chemical spills, the EEP has a clean up potential that exceeds any industry standard. With all of the clean up potential, it is clear that the EEP will definitely help to create a greener, cleaner world for generations to come.

The Future will be Green!

The Future will be Pristine!

The Future will be…. POWERED BY WASTE!

Joe Shopp,

Chairman of The Board

Chief Production Officer


Eden Vs Pharmaceuticals


EDEN v Pyrolysis