Of course I am biased, but in my opinion the Eden Energy Process (EEP) represents the most significant breakthrough in waste management/disposal, and energy creation, period (until a virtually unlimited clean energy source is found). It is truly a creation of real environmental regeneration, like nothing else out there today. The EEP has the potential to help our environments become pristine again, by making the PROPER disposal of waste, not just economically viable, but in many cases immensely incentivized. 

As we have shared in prior blogs the EEP has some serious environmental clean-up potential, can break down even the most hazardous materials, and in doing so creates some significant products for the betterment of the world, from a vast magnitude of wastes. One of the main reasons why I truly believe in the importance of this technology is because even as we advance in energy generation technology, and something truly amazing comes along and creates essentially unlimited clean energy for everyone, we will still be generating waste, we will still be a species that consumes resources, and this waste needs to be disposed of properly. Even when we no longer have to burn natural hydrocarbons (which aren’t pollutive because of CO2, but do pollute in most cases because of the “bad actors” like dioxins, PAHs, etc. - but that’s a topic for a different day), or mine an abundance of minerals for toxic batteries, we will still produce harmful and hazardous waste streams that will destroy our ecosystems. That’s why the breakthrough that is the Eden Energy Process is so important - it represents a real way of ridding the environment of environmental toxins, while creating clean regenerative energy in the form of fuels and fertilizers from a once environmental hazard. We more often than not we hear the words ”it’s too good to be true”, well in this case, we’re thankful, it is true!

Now some might say we have waste mitigation techniques already - like incineration or pyrolysis, but there isn’t one that truly solves the waste issue. Both of these processes absolutely convert waste streams into energy, but neither is efficient nor actually solve the pollution issue, they merely displace it elsewhere. Incineration burns trash, and utilizes the heat to make energy, but does nothing about the harmful contaminants in the wastes such as PAHs, PFAs, dioxins, heavy metals, etc. They end up being vaporized and spewed into the atmosphere - creating immense air pollution. Now some might be saying, well you can filter out those compounds, yes, but those filters still contain the harmful compounds and now need hazardous/special disposal that never truly solves the issue - just moves it somewhere else. We have gone into depth about why pyrolysis doesn’t solve the pollution issue, but creates more, or is just way too energy inefficient to make viable. So even if all waste was disposed of using the best current practices, pollution from waste really would be no closer to being solved - it would just be in different forms. 

The EEP is different in that it actually does solve the issue. It is the first truly viable way to change the course of pollution on our rock we call earth. There is no pollutive waste or byproducts from the system, just clean regenerative energy and water. The EEP destroys all pathogens and bacteria, it oxidizes heavy metals into their safe non-leachable constituents, it extracts and conserves beneficial nutrients, it dissociates harmful compounds back into their elemental constituents (i.e.glyphosate (C3H8NO5P) into a nitrogen/phosphorus fertilizer), all while creating the cleanest burning hydrocarbons possible, a multi-purpose biochar, a liquid fertilizer, and capturing and sanitizing the water trapped within that waste (a net water producing technology). Not only does the EEP do this, but it is able to do so with an energy efficiency that has been third party validated as high as 93%. This means that systems utilizing the EEP have a significant opportunity to yield a significant return. This means we can use greed to attract people to cleaning up the environment by turning Trash into Cash!

This is why the EEP truly is the breakthrough in regeneration we have been looking for. So let’s break down some of the uses, we’ve previously discussed how the EEP can be used for environmental clean-up after things like disasters, hazardous waste sites, and toxic landfills. But doing so can also be lucrative as there are likely many incentives for cleaning up that land - if done economically - the EEP can do so. But even if we started cleaning all the pollution from the land it doesn’t stop new waste from being produced or being dump. As we’ve previously discussed, pharmaceuticals are often finding their way into our ecosystems, companies illegally dump waste, landfills are ineffective, incinerators are built improperly and this is just never ending. But now, a company is incentivized to convert their waste into energy on-site, making waste disposal a positive in the books, not a cost. This cuts back on the shipping/trucking of this waste, this eliminates the hazardous nature of the waste, and it creates energy efficiently from the waste. Not only are these system able to generate a profit outright, but the modern world is highly incentivizing green energy, and there is an insane amount of credits and incentivizes that the EEP will qualify for. 

The benefits to the companies will come in many ways, their waste disposal fees are now gone, and now they are producing clean, regenerative energy from that waste on-site. They are offsetting how much electricity they need to buy, in some cases there will be an immense excess produced. They are generating green energy credits and incentives, which not only increase the bottom line, but also are immense for a company’s image in this day and age. They can produce significant yields on their own, in states like California, where electricity is very expensive ($0.33/KwH) the returns on these systems can be very quick (in some models we have run ROI is under 10 months on a +$14m dollar system - a 30 ton/day Trinity System). When you then add incentives into the mix, the Eden Energy Systems can become extremely lucrative - using the desire to make money, into a way for global restoration and regeneration. 

The EEP represents a monumental leap forward in waste management and environmental regeneration. Unlike traditional methods that merely shift the pollution burden elsewhere, the EEP offers a true solution, transforming harmful waste into clean, regenerative energy. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to restore our ecosystems, end landfills, and provide immense economic benefits to communities and corporations alike.

Imagine a world where our waste no longer poses a threat to our environment. A world where hazardous materials are safely broken down into their basic components, creating valuable clean energy. With the EEP, this vision is not just a pipe dream but a reality within our grasp. The EEP empowers us to clean up past pollution, prevent future waste from wreaking havoc, and create a sustainable cycle of regeneration that benefits both people and the planet.

The potential of the EEP extends far beyond environmental cleanup. It offers a pathway to a circular economy, where waste is continuously repurposed and reintegrated into productive use. It supports agricultural, improves environmental health, and provides significant economic incentives for responsible waste management. As we stand on the brink of a new era in environmental technology, the promise of the EEP fills us with hope and optimism. By utilizing this innovative solution, we can transform our relationship with waste and advance towards a truly regenerative future. The EEP is not just a breakthrough in technology—it is a beacon of hope, lighting the way to a world where we live in harmony with our environment, turning trash into treasure and waste into a wealth of possibilities.

Together, we can harness the power of innovation to regenerate our planet and secure a brighter, cleaner future for all. The Eden Energy Process is here, and with it, the promise of a regenerated world is within our reach.

The Future will be Green!

The Future will be Pristine!

The Future will be…. POWERED BY WASTE!

Jonathan Appel

Founder and CEO




Eden Vs Pharmaceuticals